Princess Chelsea
Princess Chelsea
2004 - 2020
My Princess Chelsea
My beautiful baby girl
My adorable senior nanna
My boot scooting ballerina
My toe tapping extraordinaire
My sock stealing thief
My donut lover eater
My peanut butter sandwich taker
My stunning black beauty
My best girl in the whole wide world!
Run free gorgeous girl straight past the duck pond into your angels arms, Dad and Maxy they will softly catch you. No more pain no more struggles just a heart that is so open and full of love yesterday today and forever shining it down from Rainbow Bridge. Please don’t wait at the gate.
What a great last day. It’s not goodbye baby girl, we are two souls connected as one with a love that never dies! Thank you and so much love from me Mum, Suzy and Pippy we love you!
Written by Lara Casanova – author of Loss, Love and Lessons – Healing pet loss and grief.