Zali’s review of the KONG Ballistic Hide ’N Treat


Zali’s Review - KONG Ballistic Hide ‘N’ Treat


Well Mum gave me a new product to test out today and I loved it. I didn’t know what it was to start with, it looked like a giant strawberry and I love strawberries!!!

It felt like a soft toy when I put it in my mouth but I could smell that there were some treats hidden somewhere inside it.

I carried it around the room for a bit and then I started rolling it over and over as I thought some treats may roll out like some of my other KONG toys. I rolled and rolled and rolled though and nothing seemed to come out.  

I then tried getting my teeth into the seams but still no luck getting to any treats. I could smell something in there but just couldn’t get to it.

I kept moving it around on my bed then up on the couch giving it more of a tug but I couldn’t seem to budge it. It was like a mystery parcel and was lots of fun trying to unravel it.

Then after about 20mins of having fun trying to get to the treats Mum thought she’d give me a bit of a hand and pulled open one of the sides a little. I didn’t know what to think of that velcro noise, it was very intriguing so I stood back for a bit.

Then I tried again pulling at the side that was open a little but still no luck. Back on the couch and Mum helped me open one side …yay I could find the treats. My toy then opened up like a beautiful flower and I could eat the treats out of the centre of it…yum. Then there were little pockets on the side which had more treats in them, it was like Christmas. I found them a little trickier to get them out of the pockets but lots of fun.

Then after all the fun I had a rest with my new toy and my big dog teddy.

Can’t wait to play with my new strawberry, flower, KONG Ballistic Hide ‘N’ Treat again tomorrow. Happy Dog Days! Hope you enjoyed my review.


Big Freeze 7 Fight MND


Enrichment, Adventure, New Experiences